Attorney General Kwame Raoul announced a new program aimed at reducing the harmful long-term...
Veteran Readiness and Employment Program (VR&E) assists Veterans who are disabled and face employment barriers by preparing them to find new jobs
VR&E program assists Veterans, with service-connected disabilities and a barrier to employment, to achieve and maintain a life of independence through suitable careers. The program is overseen by the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). Veteran participants are provided individualized services based on their unique situations and needs. The ultimate goal of the program is to help Veterans achieve their highest level of independence and self-sufficiency. VR&E services are offered at no cost to the Veteran. Veteran participants may be eligible for a variety of services, including vocational rehabilitation and counseling, job training, resume preparation, and job placement assistance. In addition, Veteran participants may also be eligible for a monthly subsistence allowance while they are participating in the program. Veteran participants who successfully complete the program and obtain employment may also be eligible for post-employment services to help them retain their jobs.
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